Thursday, March 25, 2010

About my Non-Raw Posts...and a "Not-a-tarian"

You may have noticed I post recipes that are not raw. I am, like many of you, living with family members that do not eat a primarily raw diet. I like to make up recipes as I go. For a long time, whenever my family wanted something that I had previously made, I could not come up with the exact ingredients. Blogging has made it easy to hang onto recipes that are family favorites. I hope that if you are living with family members that are eating a healthy whole food diet you might like to try some of my creations out on them. Therefore I will continue to post things that I feed my family.

Today~work and running around with my daughter. I have been trying to stock her up with some healthy foods & some extras to take back to Tenessee. I have packed many dry goods & perishables...beans, lentils, brown rice, spices, herbs, homemade salve, homeopathic rememdies, local maple syrup, raw milk cheese, organic eggs, organic bread mixes and some herbal teas..
I just asked my Vegan son what we would call my daughter...a lacto-ovo vegetarian....he she is a, "Not-a-tarian" She is a striving Vegetarian.

My son is a strict Vegan. My youngest is whatever I allow her to be. :)

My husband J is still a High Raw Man...and looking good! He started his new position at the company he works for. It requires physical labor...bendng, lifting and moving heavy items repeatedly. We can already see his muscles becoming more defined.
I believe God made us to work and to move..there is nothing wrong with good hard work. It helps us to stay healthy if we add a healthy plant based diet, sunshine, clean water, deep breathing, a way to relieve stress~a positive attitude...laughter....and love.

My eats today~

a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, cacao, ice
32 oz of Green Juice

Ginger Carrots
I tasted an avocado eggroll from the Cheesecake factory that my daughter brought home from last nights dinner. Tasty.
here is a link to a copycat recipe...just substitute..rice paper if you want a spring roll or a romaine lettuce leaf for the eggroll portion and skip the not fry it RAW..that is the way to go...and make other substitutions for items that are not healthful..example..sugar~use agave or maple syrup.
I may try to make some Raw form of this in the near future.

celery sticks

Smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, cacao, ice

Blended Soup
celery, tomatoes, cuke, romaine, topped with another diced roma tomato, chopped dulse strips and yesterday's Spicy Peanut sauce
organic corn chips
Eggplant bacon on romaine with tomato & Vegenaise

2T. of mediterranean hummus

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