Friday, September 4, 2009

King Tut~international market~Durian

Today we went on a field trip to the children's museum to see the King Tutankhamun exibit. It was a wonderful day. We looked at ancient artifacts, learned more about the 18th dynasty and had a great time with some good friends while sharing a picnic lunch.

Afterwards we visited the nearby health food market and picked up a tray of wheatgrass for juicing at home & some spices, raw crackers and kombucha teas. I had a shot of wheatgrass and the kids drank a monkey's uncle (rice milk, almond butter & frozen bananas).

I connected with their naturopath, who is also a raw foodist with type 1 diabetes. She has quite a story to tell about reversing many health conditions after adopting raw food diet. She is hosting showings of , "Simply Raw"~ a documentary about reversing diabetes with a raw food diet. You can check out the link on the sidebar.
I do not know any other raw foodist locally so this was an encouragement for me to make that connection. The store she where she works has started having support group meetings for people making the change to a raw food diet. This store is about an hour away so I haven't been able to attend the meetings yet. I do recommend finding some form of support either a group setting, on line or person to person. This will help you to stay on track.

After our trip to the health food market we went on to the international food market for some young green coconuts. Not only did we find the coconuts but we spotted "Durian", which I have heard is the King of raw food we are standing in the and there is a man from Thailand in front of me and he asks "You like that?" and I tell him I'm gonna find out and he says, "You either love it or you hate it".....he also informed me that back in his homeland when someone cuts one open you must take it outside and never bring it in the house. So that is what we did.

Our first impressions were not too bad as the knife when into the flesh. Then as we were rolling it around in our mouths....mmmmmm....kinda sulfur like, onion-y, sweet, weird, dirty socks....visually one of us remarked...looks like raw chicken meat, maybe soft scramble egg texture.. "Do you like it?"....we'll I don't like it, but I don't hate it, but I won't be buying it again.
Wikipedia has some interesting desciptions that I won't post here, but you can look them up to learn more about this interesting fruit.

16oz green lemonade
strawberries & blueberries

bed of mixed greens & strawberries, blueberries, a couple grapes and 1/2 red bell pepper

shot of wheatgrass

can't forget the taste of durian

bed of mixed greens & corn salad and about 3 raw crackers

small bowl of smoothie I froze from cream now...added a few pecans

just walking all over the museum today...

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