Sunday, August 23, 2009

Home Gym & IBS

Greetings to all of my raw and curious friends out there! I have had a very busy summer. My husband and I joined a gym, which was a great kick-start to getting back into routine work outs. I love to walk outdoors and we live in a great place for this...lots of trees and fresh air away from the city. I set up my home gym in our sunroom and have used this to encourage my youngest child to get into the habit of exercising. We have been doing some fun 5k's in the local parks this summer also.

Prior to this year..for 3 years I have been battling IBS/colitis in a wicked way as I have been discovering what works and doesn't for my body. During this time I have lost a lot of muscle and strength. I'd begin to feel better for a time as I implemented a high raw diet and then I'd do something to mess it up eat pizza, cooked food or bad combination and then I'd flare up again. Constipation, pain, inflammation, bloating, trapped painful gas, enemas, colonics and fear of eating again, etc. I think one of the worst things about it was that it interferred with my family life. At one point we feared that I would die because I was so weak and sickly. BUT over this past summer I figured it out..RAW, RAW, RAW....and good food combining..fresh air, exercise, a positive attitute and having friends to encourage you. I felt great all summer, life has been good.

THEN....I decided to indulge a bit...a little here a little there...then kaboom!!!! I had a flare up! The first week ..I fruit/juice fasted and went and got a really drained me but the second week I was feeling a little stronger. I share this so you know that I am human and I fail, but I know that when I am 100 percent raw or even high raw I am symptom free and I feel wonderful...high energy, my skin glows and my attitude is more positive...I have a freedom to live and I am not bound by my physcial condition.

This raw living is a attracts people...they want to know what you are eating, why you eat this way and they see a difference in you, a vibrance, a life force !!! It gives you a great opportunity to share with others that they don't have to be sick and feel bad. It is a process of growing and learning and educating yourself and also becoming aware of this wonderfully complex body that we live in that must have a master designer and what a Marvelous designer He must be!!

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