Friday, September 3, 2010

Digestion, Inflammation and Healing with Paul Nison

I cannot agree more with Paul about healing the gut or any other inflammation in the body.  A couple years back I got very ill with some wicked stomach virus that was going around.  In fact, so did everyone in my household.  None of us could eat for about 3-4 days.   At the end of the third day I felt like I had a new digestive system. Prior to this I had been experiencing pretty severe intestinal issues with lots of pain.  It was at this time that I was convinced about the things Paul shares in this video.  I am not recommending that anyone fast or get sick to heal, just sharing my experience. 
You may notice in my previous posting that I drink a lot of juice.  I do this to rest my digestive system, and to to flood my body with nutritious goodness, without going through the long disgestive process.  This also provides time for more healing to take place.
I find that I am more energetic and clear minded if I eat mostly raw foods and I don't have too much foodstuff to digest.  It is better to eat too little, than to eat too much and burden our bodies.......this is where I live.....I listen to my body and when it needs food, I feed it...trying to make good, healthy life-giving choices.

"He that eats till he is sick, must fast till he is well".  English Proverb

*you can find a link to one of Paul Nison's books on my sidebar.  If you are having any digestive issues, I highly recommend his book, "Healing Inflammatory Bowel Disease".  It is a quick read and a simple approach to healing the gut.  Whenever I have had a lapse in my diet, I have pulled this book off the shelf to remind me of the process. 

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