Monday, November 11, 2013
The Gluten Summit Begins Today!!
I have learned more about gluten and it's effects on health from Dr. O'Bryan, than any other source. He is an expert in this field and has a passion to educate patients and doctors about this topic.
Gluten related disorders are increasing. Many people have gluten sensitivity and do not realize it. I encourage everyone to try, for a short period of time, to remove gluten from their diet and see how they feel. It would be ridiculous to say that gluten is the cause of everyone's symptoms or health issues, but I am confident that it's sensible everyone at least consider if gluten is helping or hindering their health. The neurologist, Dr David Perlmutter, M.D. states "Gluten is this generations tobacco". And cardiologist Dr William Davis, author of Wheat Belly states that gluten may impact heart health. Both of these MD's, and many more have participated in The Gluten Summit. Starting TODAY, Dr. Tom O'Bryan TheDr.Com is providing a wealth of cutting edge information on gluten related disorders and I encourage you to take advantage of this free online information while you can. I have been privileged enough to have already heard a couple of the interviews and they were fascinating and ground breaking. If you are confused about what gluten related disorders means, if you are considering going gluten free, if you have poor health (not only digestive issues) if you have someone in your family who is celiac, if you or anyone in your family has an autoimmune condition, depression, IBS, acne, brain fog, infertility, ADHD, fatigue, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, schizophrenia, arthritis, migraines, neuropathy...etc...! More than 300 symptoms could be caused by the consumption of gluten, yet a very small percentage of the population knows it could be fueling the cause.
It generally takes 10 years to get a proper diagnosis. Instead of waiting 10 years, listening to this information could just help you or someone you care about to dramatically improve their health. Being gluten free is hard, at first, yes. But being ill is much harder. I do not endorse any fads or diets. This is science and, everyone should have access to this information. To get FREE access, click here: to your health~
I have learned more about gluten and it's effects on health from Dr. O'Bryan, than any other source. He is an expert in this field and has a passion to educate patients and doctors about this topic.
Gluten related disorders are increasing. Many people have gluten sensitivity and do not realize it. I encourage everyone to try, for a short period of time, to remove gluten from their diet and see how they feel. It would be ridiculous to say that gluten is the cause of everyone's symptoms or health issues, but I am confident that it's sensible everyone at least consider if gluten is helping or hindering their health. The neurologist, Dr David Perlmutter, M.D. states "Gluten is this generations tobacco". And cardiologist Dr William Davis, author of Wheat Belly states that gluten may impact heart health. Both of these MD's, and many more have participated in The Gluten Summit. Starting TODAY, Dr. Tom O'Bryan TheDr.Com is providing a wealth of cutting edge information on gluten related disorders and I encourage you to take advantage of this free online information while you can. I have been privileged enough to have already heard a couple of the interviews and they were fascinating and ground breaking. If you are confused about what gluten related disorders means, if you are considering going gluten free, if you have poor health (not only digestive issues) if you have someone in your family who is celiac, if you or anyone in your family has an autoimmune condition, depression, IBS, acne, brain fog, infertility, ADHD, fatigue, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, schizophrenia, arthritis, migraines, neuropathy...etc...! More than 300 symptoms could be caused by the consumption of gluten, yet a very small percentage of the population knows it could be fueling the cause.
It generally takes 10 years to get a proper diagnosis. Instead of waiting 10 years, listening to this information could just help you or someone you care about to dramatically improve their health. Being gluten free is hard, at first, yes. But being ill is much harder. I do not endorse any fads or diets. This is science and, everyone should have access to this information. To get FREE access, click here:https://gg110.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Juice Feasting Day 2 & 3
Day 3..... fifth juice of the day from rasa juicery
Yesterday was day 2 of my juice feast. It was a good day. I had to work in the morning and my job requires a lot of physical movement/energy, so I sipped on juices while working. I did not have any cravings or detox symptoms. My energy levels were stayed level and very good.
I attribute this to my high raw nutrient dense diet.
Many people will have detox symptoms, such as headache, or fatigue, etc.
Today (day 3) has been good. I stayed home and worked around my house. I walked 3 miles with no problems...(I also walked 3 miles on day 1) with the exception of needing a bathroom, because of all the liquids I am consuming.
This cleanse has been so easy this time, that I thought I'd continue the juice feasting for an undetermined period of time....I will modify whenever I feel the need to begin eating again.
I made some green juice for tomorrow.
Kale/beet greens/parsley/celery/cucumber/zucchini/lemon/ginger.
I also made some watermelon/mint juice.
I froze most of the watermelon juice because I had so much!
I only like to drink one watermelon juice per day, so freezing it will keep it good for a longer period of time.
My juices from rasa still taste as good today, as they did the day I picked them up.
For convenience I will definitely purchase from rasa again. They use high quality organic produce and they are cold pressed juices, which allows them to stay fresh for up to three days.
You can find rasa juices at Georgetown Market.
Juice for Health....
follow the links below and educate yourself about juicing
Be Well~
Thursday, October 3, 2013
3 Day Juice Cleanse with rasa juices
Today I began a 3-day juice cleanse.
I am doing this for several reasons......rejuvenation, reset, eliminate toxins, restore my adrenals after a very stressful period of time, I also have a rotator cuff injury that needs healing, so I really wanted to alkalize my body to relief some of the pain and discomfort and aid in healing. As you can imagine, it is difficult to prepare veggies and then push them through the juicer if your rotator cuff is not cooperative... :)
Thanks to Georgetown Market I did not have to make my own juice.
rasa had my juices fresh pressed this morning and ready for pick up bright and early.
24 bottles bagged and ready to go, with instructions. Each bottle was numbered in the ordered to drink.
They also included instructions for those who are new to juicing.
As you can see...this one was already gone..........
rasa juices and nut milks are absolutely fantastic!! Delicious, Smooth and Juicy! If you are out on the West Side and need a pick me up....try one of their juices!!
On my way to pick up my juices this morning I drank 1 bottle of my homemade mineral broth (pictured in the kombucha bottle) and a bottle of Fire Water (AVC, lemon juice, cayenne and water, pictured in the pitcher)
I also supplemented with an additional bottle of mineral broth in the afternoon.
I only had a few moments when I wanted to far not too bad...
Day One over and out!!!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
German Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake~Raw
A couple of months ago I started making this super yummy Raw Super food dessert and I cannot stop talking about it.
While I was visiting our local health food market I met K and promised him I would post the this is for you K.!!!
Enjoy! Many blessings to you and your dad on his journey to health!
German Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake
Ingredients for the brownie crust:
1 c. raw pecans
1 c. raw walnuts
2 c. of pitted dates
pinch of salt
1 c. raw cacao
In a food processor place nuts and salt and process until it is finely crumbled, but not turned into nut butter. Watch it closely.
With the food processor running add one date at a time until well incorporated being careful to process just until it sticks together.
Open the lid and add raw cacao and process until powder is incorporated. Maybe 15-20 seconds.
Press into baking dish.
Cheesecake Topping:
1 3/4 c. raw cashews
Place cashews in 1 pint mason jar and add enough water to fill to top.
Soak for 2 hrs.
After 2 hrs. place the cashews and 1/2 of the soak water in the Vita-Mix and begin blending on the lowest setting...with the lid off.
1- 1 1/2 T. lemon juice (to taste)
40 drops or 2 droppers of Nu Naturals Liquid Stevia
1 t. vanilla extract or vanilla bean powder
dash of salt
Turn blender on #3 for 2 mins and then turn up to #6 until it is may need to add a bit more water if yours is too thick to mix.
1 T. lucuma
If your mixture is too thick to blend after adding the lucuma add 2T. of water at a time to get it to blend freely. It should be thick... loose but not runny...your blender should be able to run at #6 pretty easily.
Then place the lid on the top of Vita Mix container.
Next add:
1/2 c. melted coconut oil
and then quickly add 2 T. coconut butter
Blend until just incorporated.
Your Vita Mix will begin to make that noise and you know you need to turn it off.
This mixture should be the texture like a thick creamy pudding.
Remove from blender base and
add 1/4 - 1/3 c. unsweetened coconut flakes
Stir this in with a spatula
Pour over brownie base and spread evenly.
Top with pecan pieces and a light sprinkle of coconut.
Place in the freezer for 15-20 mins to help it set, but do not leave it in the freezer until it freezes.
You will have a better and more smooth texture if you do not allow it to freeze.
Remove from freezer and place in the fridge until set....1-2 hrs.
Store it covered in the fridge until it is all gone!!! Which will not take long!!!
In the picture below you can see the layers.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
CSA Goodies!!
We are 12 weeks into our CSA season. Our harvest is bountiful and delicious!
These pictures are from our opening day.
I've been pretty busy this summer and have not been able to post much, but I have been taking pictures. I am planning on trying to squeeze in a post from time to time so you can see what I've been up to in my kitchen,
Today I tried to clean out & put up some of my excess produce.
I decided to freeze some summer squashes for smoothies.
There are times during the summer months that I cannot eat up all of my instead of letting it go bad freeze it to add to smoothies or soups.
When using it for smoothies just throw in chunks of the frozen veggie!
I love that you don't have to blanch it before storing.
You can also shred your squash before freezing to make zucchini bread later.
So.....if someone wants to share their summer squash harvest with you and you don't have need at the moment.......go ahead and accept it and put it in the freezer! You can enjoy the gift long after it was given.
Give thanks to the LORD for his bountiful provisions!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Apples, Peas and Onions!
Avocado, lettuce, tomato and Onion Bread Sandwich!!
This is a doubled recipe and I used sweet red onions instead of yellow/white
makes two trays of bread
Mix together in large bowl until seeds gel~
2c. ground golden flax seeds
2 c. water
2 t. salt
5 carrots chopped up in Vita Mix or shredded
4 large red onions sliced in Food processor or other sweet onions
3 T. EV olive oil or grapeseed oil
Mix together until completely amalgamated and spread on teflex sheets and place in dehydrator at 105 degrees
dry on one side, flip and dry until desired texture and cut up with kitchen scissors
my bread is moist but firm and delicious...and sometimes I will make it extra crispy!
This is what I am doing with my bag of mixed greens this week!
Layered Pea Salad
in a 9 X 13 dish layer
Mixed baby greens or greens of choice
1 c. chopped celery
1 bunch of green onion chopped
1 bag of frozen peas
1/2-1 c. of raw walnuts broken up
I added 1 red/yellow or orange bell pepper chopped
diced radishes are optional
Cheezy Mustard Dressing
1 small jar of Vegenaise
1/4-1/2 c. nutritional yeast
1/4-1/2 t. dried mustard
1-2 T. lemon or lime juice
water to thin
blend and store in fridge..this will make more than you need for this salad
*To change up the flavor.... leave out peas add sliced strawberries to the salad and make a
Strawberry Vinaigrette
for the dressing by using fresh berries, rice vinegar and stevia or sweetener of choice...and blend !
Apple Salad
3 stalks of celery diced
1 organic carrot shredded
small handful of walnuts
1 lemon juiced
1-2 tangerines juiced
Place juices in blender with 1/4c. raw pecans...blend until smooth and pour over salad. Mix and marinate..
you can add a handful of raisins or chopped dates if you like.
Chocolate and Cheesecake Strawberry Parfait
We received strawberries in our CSA share this week!!
So.... I had to make one of my favorite healthy desserts.
Chocolate...Cheesecake....and Strawberries.....Delicious!!!
Chocolate and Cheesecake Strawberry Parfait
Chocolate Mousse
In the food processor:
8 soft dates ~pit removed**
1/2 - 3/4 c. water*
1-2 t. vanilla
2 avocado's ~peel and remove pit
1/2 c. raw cacao (cocoa or carob)
dash of salt
*you may need more water to help process
**depending on the size of the dates you may desire more sweetness. I usually add a few drops of liquid stevia to achieve desired sweetness.
I usually blend my dates and liquids first until smooth and then add the other ingredients
drizzle water into food processor as you blend
Blend until smooth & creamy
place in fridge to set
1 c. soaked cashews
1-2 T. extra virgin coconut oil
2-4 T. lemon juice
1 t. vanilla
dash of salt
begin with 1/3- 1/2 c. of water to blend to creamy consistency
you may need to add more water, but be careful not to add too much...but if you can use the recipe as a sauce for berries!
this cream will be slightly running
place in the fridge to set
*I blend the cheesecake in the food processor first and then transfer to the Vita Mix to bring it to a super smooth consistency
After both of the puddings are set..layer in pretty glass dish and top with strawberries.
You can make one or both of the recipes above for individual desserts or dips for fruit.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
First CSA day of the Season!!
Yesterday was the first day of the CSA which I facilitate and host at my home. I love this time of year when we receive super fresh (picked that morning!) vegetables.
I had a grand time setting up things yesterday and meeting and greeting all of our last year's members and newbies!
The contents of our boxes included:
leaf lettuce
baby swiss chard,
green onions,
white sweet potatoes
and asparagus!
Wow!!! What a great start to the season!
No pictures this time as it was a super busy day for me and my family...I also had a couple contractors at my home during our pick up hours.
If you live in my area, it is not too late to join the CSA. Contact me through Facebook at Eat Well Fitness or you can go to Local to find a CSA near you.
Here is super easy and quick fix meal...super fresh and yummy!
Romaine Boats
large romaine leaves
filled with
diced avocado
shredded red cabbage
red onion
sprinkled with dulse flakes
Kale and Bean Salad
1 bunch of kale~cleaned and chopped
Place kale in the bottom of a large bowl
3 cans of variety beans~ ex. Black, garbanzo, kidney~ drain & rinse
1 small red onion diced fine
1 bell pepper your choice of color
2 stalks of celery diced
Place all of these ingredients in a different bowl.
¼ c. honey or a mixture of agave & honey ( I used stevia)
½ c. lemon juice fresh or Volcano organic lemon juice
2 T. Extra Virgin Olive oil or flax or hemp oil
Blend marinade ingredients together and pour over bean mixture.
Add pepper if you like or salt free herbs of choice.
Then pour the bean mixture over kale and let sit for a couple of hours to marinate.
This can be served as a main dish or a side.
Local farm fresh red and green baby kale...mmmmmmmmmmmm
I have been adding this to salads and smoothies.
Chocolate Chip Mint Avocado Smoothie
low glycemic
In blender:
2 c. homemade almond milk
2-3 c. spinach
2 T. raw cacao powder
3-4 drops of peppermint oil
blend and then add:
1/2 frozen avocado cut into chunks
blend again and then add:
1 c. frozen blueberries
2 T. raw cacao nibs
stevia to taste
Blend to creamy consistency and enjoy!!!
Eat real food the way God made it and be thankful
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Cleansing Recipes
Detox Juice
yields one gallon
make dandelion root tea:
2 c. filtered water
6 t. Starwest Dandelion Root (see link below)
thumb of fresh ginger or you may used dried pieces of ginger
bring water to near boil but not boiliing
add dandelion root
steep for 5-10 mins
strain this mixture and allow to cool
( I re-use the dandelion root by adding more water and warming it up and allowing it to steep for at least 30 mins or more and then strain it and store for the next batch)
in your gallon jug add:
1/3 c. Just Cranberry Juice (no sugar..I use Knudsen)
1/3- 1/2 c. organic lemon juice ( I use Volcano Lemon Juice available at Costco)
add Dandelion Tea and water to fill jug....I also add a couple droppers of alcohol free NuNaturals Stevia
My daughter and I are drinking this freely throughout the day.
This juice is super cleaning for your skin, kidneys, liver, digestive system and it's anti-inflammatory and alkalizing . It may help with weight loss, it's a diuretic, helps to balance blood sugar, is rich in micronutrients, helps with the digestion and emulsification of fats.
We have seen major improvements in my daughter and my skin, our digestion and elimination of excess water weight.
See the links below for more benefits of add this juice to your day. (be sure to check for contraindications before using)
Check out this except from the book by Peter A. Gail, Ph.D, titled" The Dandelion Celebration-The Guide to Unexpected Cuisine"
My Daughter and I love to periodically cleanse and reset our system. It is so easy to get off track and begin adding too many convenience foods (even if they seem to be healthy or you got them at the health food section of the store), or too many cooked foods
into our life and before you know it, you are experiencing old symptoms.....digestive or skin issues, weight gain, excess fluid build fill in the blank.
Green and Carrot Juice Prep
Green Juice
mixed greens
Carrot Juice
The red juice is a green, onion, garlic, carrot & beet juice. My daughter called it hamburger juice, because the flavor reminded her of the smell and taste of hamburger. :)
She eats a vegan diet...but you never forget.
My favorite Blended Salad/Soup
Serrano pepper
lime juice
topped with dulse flakes
I also had a few pieces of onion bread with my soup!
This is the most delicious bread I have ever made. I call it onion ring bread.
I doubled my recipe and used sweet red onions instead of yellow/white
makes two trays of bread
Mix together in large bowl until seeds gel~
2c. ground golden flax seeds
2 c. water
2 t. salt
5 carrots chopped up in Vita Mix or shredded
4 large red onions sliced in Food processor or other sweet onions
3 T. EV olive oil or grapeseed oil
mix together with hands until thoroughly amalgamated
dry on one side, flip and dry until desired texture and cut up with kitchen scissors
my bread is moist but firm and delicious...and sometimes I will make it extra crispy!
Chinese Kale Salad
baby kale
grape tomatoes
Chinese five spice
lime juice
massage lime juice, kale and Chinese Five Spice then add other ingredients
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