It's Friday!!! For many this work for the weekend. Time for family and friends. I have big plans for the weekend that I will tell you about in a future after today, I'll be checking out for a few days.
My workout today has been YOGA X and a 40 min. power walk/run on the treadmill. Yes, I still love yoga. :)
I am beginning my fourth week with P90X. I have a bad knee so I've been exchanging out the leg routine with power running/walking and Yoga.
I want to encourage you to workout. Find something that works for you. If you have issues like me, don't give up...just modify. We are all unique individuals with our own special strengths and weakness, and that is okay.
My friend Nicole~aka~ "Fitness Freak", has posted a very good article on, "Motivation to Workout"
You don't need a gym to work out. On my sidebar are many free workout video links.
Today's eats~
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, hemp seeds, chia seeds, hemp protein powder, mesquite, maca, lucuma, Amazing Grass Superfood~chocolate, ice
1 pint of celery/chard blend with ginger, lemon and stevia
Kale/Mustard Green Salad (big bowl)
AGS~smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, hemp powder, ice
coconut milk non dairy ice cream bar~mmmmmmmm...they are gone now..and I am good with that. I tried them, I love them, but it will be a good while before I buy them again. I get the same amount of pleasure from my superfood smoothies.
brown rice cake with chunky peanut butter (organic/no salt)
topped with crumbles of raw milk cheese
sugar snap peas
red pepper hummus
baked chips
1 bunch of kale
1 bunch of mustard greens
2 large green onions-diced..all parts
radishes sliced
green pepper diced
sugar snap peas chopped
pumpkin seeds
garlic...I like a lot
lime juice
olive oil
Bragg's Liquid Aminos
Top individual servings with Broccoli Sprouts
massage greens, onion, garlic, lime and Bragg's until they are wilted and then add the rest of the ingreds. Let it marinate for a couple of hours
top with broccoli sprouts when ready to serve.
This is delicious!!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Thursday~work day
Hope your week is going well. I worked today and then went for a power walk in the park in the steamy 90 degree weather today...whew!!! It was a hot one. My daughter rode on her scooter for awhile and then finished up walking with me.
Then off to the repair shop...oil change and a brake job, including rotars and turning the drums. ouch! I just got this car so we are working out all the kinks...Previously, my husband was gone...on the road with his job, so for the last several years we have always leased my vehicle so that I had reliable transportation ...but now that he is home I don't need a new vehicle all the time...we have purchased a 2005 Ford is a nice car..but it just needs a little love & maintainence. :)
My daughter and I also shared some special time shopping for some of her summer clothes...lots of fun and laughs.
Tonight I did power Yoga. I love Yoga....if you've never tried it, check out the free links on the side bar. I use DVD's or VHS's most of the time. Don't forget to check your local Half price bookstore or Goodwill for really good deals on used ones. Many people get tired of what they are using or they only use it a few times. I have also found them unopened...ranging from 99 cents to $2. I have found many at our local Marshall's/T.J. Max for $2.99.
Today's eats~
a.m. smoothie~the usual...but I added hemp seeds to the super de duper superfood smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, Amazing Grass Superfood~chocolate, chia seeds, hemp powder, hemp seeds, maca, mesquite, lucuma and ice
1 pint of green juice~celery/swiss chard blend, ginger, lemon and stevia
2 brown rice cakes with organic no salt peanut butter and some raw milk cheddar cheese
green pepper strips
handful of almonds
pinto beans topped with shredded lettuce, tomato and hot sauce and a few
baked corn chips
kefir water and 2 T. red pepper hummus and 4-5 corn chips
Then off to the repair shop...oil change and a brake job, including rotars and turning the drums. ouch! I just got this car so we are working out all the kinks...Previously, my husband was gone...on the road with his job, so for the last several years we have always leased my vehicle so that I had reliable transportation ...but now that he is home I don't need a new vehicle all the time...we have purchased a 2005 Ford is a nice car..but it just needs a little love & maintainence. :)
My daughter and I also shared some special time shopping for some of her summer clothes...lots of fun and laughs.
Tonight I did power Yoga. I love Yoga....if you've never tried it, check out the free links on the side bar. I use DVD's or VHS's most of the time. Don't forget to check your local Half price bookstore or Goodwill for really good deals on used ones. Many people get tired of what they are using or they only use it a few times. I have also found them unopened...ranging from 99 cents to $2. I have found many at our local Marshall's/T.J. Max for $2.99.
Today's eats~
a.m. smoothie~the usual...but I added hemp seeds to the super de duper superfood smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, Amazing Grass Superfood~chocolate, chia seeds, hemp powder, hemp seeds, maca, mesquite, lucuma and ice
1 pint of green juice~celery/swiss chard blend, ginger, lemon and stevia
2 brown rice cakes with organic no salt peanut butter and some raw milk cheddar cheese
green pepper strips
handful of almonds
pinto beans topped with shredded lettuce, tomato and hot sauce and a few
baked corn chips
kefir water and 2 T. red pepper hummus and 4-5 corn chips
My Favorite Kale Chips~for all my CSA friends!
My favorite Kale Chips! Thanks to Annmarie of My modifications are in parenthesis.
If you have been reading my blog, we have been getting a lot of kale and other greens in our CSA portion. One of my favorite things to do with kale are to make these kale chips. My whole family loves them and they never last long. I have also used swiss chard, which is not my favorite, but don't be afraid to try other greens this way. If they don't meet you taste bud standards...just blend them into a raw soup...and when you get to the bottom of the bag/container, use the rest as a nutritional season salt.
BTW~these are great after they have warmed up a bit in the dehydrator...sometimes we don't have many chips left because they are sooo good!
If you have been reading my blog, we have been getting a lot of kale and other greens in our CSA portion. One of my favorite things to do with kale are to make these kale chips. My whole family loves them and they never last long. I have also used swiss chard, which is not my favorite, but don't be afraid to try other greens this way. If they don't meet you taste bud standards...just blend them into a raw soup...and when you get to the bottom of the bag/container, use the rest as a nutritional season salt.
BTW~these are great after they have warmed up a bit in the dehydrator...sometimes we don't have many chips left because they are sooo good!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday~Wednesday....CSA pick up day and Manitoba Hemp Seeds
Today was another beautiful day here in Indy! I picked up our CSA is what we received:
1 pint of strawberries
bunch of asparagus
bunch of radishes (I got two)
head lettuce
bag of salad mix
big bag of sugar snap peas...mmmmmmmm
huge head of romaine
huge bunch of kale
green onions
We are still working on some of the items from last weeks portion...I need to get into the kitchen and start preparing salads and making some kale chips. Until then, we'll just clean out the snap peas, radishes and strawberries. :)
I also got a delivery in the mail today...hemp seeds...these are soooo good and a nutritional powerhouse. Hemp seeds are 80% EFA's~ Omega 6 and 3's. They have 25% of highly digestible protein. Their amino acid profile is close to complete when compared to animal products. They are gluten free and contain calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, mangenese, zinc and copper.
They have a great nutty flavor that you can sprinkle on salads and can add them to your smoothies or make hemp milk out of them. If you are creative you can probably come up with lots of ideas for their use. Wikipedia has a good article about them here
If you like a little more technical reading check out this article from Hemp Line Journal
Amazon has a couple of sources to buy from but I prefer Manitoba Hemp Seeds and I cannot wait to add them to my superfood smoothie in the morning...When I placed my order they were not offering them on their subscribe and save, but as I was checking this link...I find that they are now. If you are not familiar with the subscribe and save should be. Amazon has certain products that you can have delivered on a 1-2-3 or 6 mos basis at a 15% discount over their low price and no matter what the cost is the shipping is free. That means if it is under $25, you still get free shipping as long as you are a subscriber. No extra charges and you can alter you shipment date, cancel it or postpone it with no penalty. I subscribe to many products and save quite a bit of $$$$. For instance, they are now offering the hemp seeds under this instead of the $41.15 you get them at a 15% discount which makes them $34.98 with a price per pound at $6.99. See if you can beat that! They keep well in the fridge or freezer or split them with a friend. If you click on this link it will take you to the page and just below Amazon's price is the link to the subscribe and save for it on other products you regularly buy from them.
Also, Raw Reform(Matt and Angela Monarch/Raw Food World) now sells through them and most of their products are fulfilled by Amazon with free shipping!
Most of us need to watch our pennies and this is one way we can do it...discounts with free shipping... and they usually deliver very quickly... and if you are not happy...they make sure you are.
click here to find out about Manitoba products
Today's eats~
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, mesquite, lucuma, maca, chia seeds, hemp powder, Amazing Grass Superfood~chocolate, ice
1 qt. of green juice
1 brown rice cake with organic peanut butter (I ran out of my raw almond butter :(
I added some raw milk cheese slices on top of this
green pepper slices
Hit the road and took about 3/4 c. of raw granola..I was gone for a few hours, so I ate it all.
I stopped at the local health food store and picked up some organic heirloom tomato and bell pepper plants...(chocolate & orange bell peppers)
I also purchased some yogurt that comes from a small organic local creamery for my daughter.
For dinner I ate:
a very small salad of ~romaine, broccoli sprouts, cukes, tomato,avocado, green pepper topped with some dressing I made the other day for the layered pea contained vegenaise and nutrtional yeast and water to thin
snack~red pepper hummus and baked corn chips
Tuesday's eats~
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, 1/2 banana, handful of frozen cherries, maca, mesquite, lucuma, Amazing Grass Superfood~chocolate,chia seeds, hemp powder, cacao nibs (I'm to the rescue!), ice
1 qt of green juice~celery, swiss chard, lemon, ginger, stevia
40 mins of Power walking/running
40 mins of Power Yoga
Amazing Grass Superfood smoothie~AGS~chocolate, raw almond milk, mesquite, hemp and chia, ice
1 brown rice cake with raw almond butter and raw milk cheese, green pepper, cuke, slice of tomato and about 4-5 black olives
1 C. of asparagus soup
kefir water and red pepper hummus and a few baked corn chips
Today was another beautiful day here in Indy! I picked up our CSA is what we received:
1 pint of strawberries
bunch of asparagus
bunch of radishes (I got two)
head lettuce
bag of salad mix
big bag of sugar snap peas...mmmmmmmm
huge head of romaine
huge bunch of kale
green onions
We are still working on some of the items from last weeks portion...I need to get into the kitchen and start preparing salads and making some kale chips. Until then, we'll just clean out the snap peas, radishes and strawberries. :)
I also got a delivery in the mail today...hemp seeds...these are soooo good and a nutritional powerhouse. Hemp seeds are 80% EFA's~ Omega 6 and 3's. They have 25% of highly digestible protein. Their amino acid profile is close to complete when compared to animal products. They are gluten free and contain calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, mangenese, zinc and copper.
They have a great nutty flavor that you can sprinkle on salads and can add them to your smoothies or make hemp milk out of them. If you are creative you can probably come up with lots of ideas for their use. Wikipedia has a good article about them here
If you like a little more technical reading check out this article from Hemp Line Journal
Amazon has a couple of sources to buy from but I prefer Manitoba Hemp Seeds and I cannot wait to add them to my superfood smoothie in the morning...When I placed my order they were not offering them on their subscribe and save, but as I was checking this link...I find that they are now. If you are not familiar with the subscribe and save should be. Amazon has certain products that you can have delivered on a 1-2-3 or 6 mos basis at a 15% discount over their low price and no matter what the cost is the shipping is free. That means if it is under $25, you still get free shipping as long as you are a subscriber. No extra charges and you can alter you shipment date, cancel it or postpone it with no penalty. I subscribe to many products and save quite a bit of $$$$. For instance, they are now offering the hemp seeds under this instead of the $41.15 you get them at a 15% discount which makes them $34.98 with a price per pound at $6.99. See if you can beat that! They keep well in the fridge or freezer or split them with a friend. If you click on this link it will take you to the page and just below Amazon's price is the link to the subscribe and save for it on other products you regularly buy from them.
Also, Raw Reform(Matt and Angela Monarch/Raw Food World) now sells through them and most of their products are fulfilled by Amazon with free shipping!
Most of us need to watch our pennies and this is one way we can do it...discounts with free shipping... and they usually deliver very quickly... and if you are not happy...they make sure you are.
click here to find out about Manitoba products
Today's eats~
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, mesquite, lucuma, maca, chia seeds, hemp powder, Amazing Grass Superfood~chocolate, ice
1 qt. of green juice
1 brown rice cake with organic peanut butter (I ran out of my raw almond butter :(
I added some raw milk cheese slices on top of this
green pepper slices
Hit the road and took about 3/4 c. of raw granola..I was gone for a few hours, so I ate it all.
I stopped at the local health food store and picked up some organic heirloom tomato and bell pepper plants...(chocolate & orange bell peppers)
I also purchased some yogurt that comes from a small organic local creamery for my daughter.
For dinner I ate:
a very small salad of ~romaine, broccoli sprouts, cukes, tomato,avocado, green pepper topped with some dressing I made the other day for the layered pea contained vegenaise and nutrtional yeast and water to thin
snack~red pepper hummus and baked corn chips
Tuesday's eats~
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, 1/2 banana, handful of frozen cherries, maca, mesquite, lucuma, Amazing Grass Superfood~chocolate,chia seeds, hemp powder, cacao nibs (I'm to the rescue!), ice
1 qt of green juice~celery, swiss chard, lemon, ginger, stevia
40 mins of Power walking/running
40 mins of Power Yoga
Amazing Grass Superfood smoothie~AGS~chocolate, raw almond milk, mesquite, hemp and chia, ice
1 brown rice cake with raw almond butter and raw milk cheese, green pepper, cuke, slice of tomato and about 4-5 black olives
1 C. of asparagus soup
kefir water and red pepper hummus and a few baked corn chips
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday's work day, everybody happy, well, I should you remember that song? We used to sing it in Girl Scouts. I am always singing some old song to my kids.
I worked alone today and got an excellent workout. It was humid, so I also had a sauna. hehehe!
I stopped by Kroger (our local grocer) to get some veggies and check out their manager's markdowns. I scored on 3 containers of broccoli sprouts @ 99 cents each, organic chocolate rice milk @ 99 cents for 32oz.. as a treat for the kids. I also purchased some peaches and a few avocado's. While checking the freezer section in the health department...what did I see??? So Delicious (Vegan & soy free) coconut milk ice cream bars covered in chocolate with bits of almonds, sweetened with agave....mmmmmmmmm.....sounded like a good cheat I got a box and sampled it on the way home in the steamy 80 something degree, muggy weather...WOWZIE!! these things are delicious..they are not raw..but they are good!!!...they are also, history..they come four to a box and there are four of us living at home...4-4=0
Click here to go to Turtle Mountain's page to tell you all about them.
I also buy their unsweetened coconut milk to make my husband's protein smoothies.
So, if you are not 100% this is a good milk substitute.
It is:
Dairy Free / Lactose Free
Soy Free
Gluten Free
Rich in Medium Chain Fatty Acids
Excellent Source of Vitamin B12 (vegetarian friendly)
Formulated for Maximum Calcium Absorption
Cholesterol Free
No Trans Fats
Certified Vegan
Today, I felt really good after work. I was still energetic and able to come home and do P90X~YogaX~ this is a good long 90 min or more practice. It WILL bring the sweat on.
Today's eats~
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, 1/2 frozen banana, handful of frozen cherries, Amazing Grass Superfood~chocolate, cacao nibs, mesquite, chia seeds, hemp seeds, lucuma, maca,ice~yummy!
1 pint of Green Lemonade~celery, swiss chard, lemon, ginger, stevia
I made a couple of meals out of this while working and for the ride home~
2 brown rice cakes with raw almond butter
raw milk cheese...this stuff tastes good on the rice cake w/almond butter
green pepper strips
4-5 black olives
baby carrots
cheater snack~
Coconut milk bar~mmmmmmmm
Before YogaX~I had 1 cup of asparagus soup~I made about 2 qts of this yesterday~
asparagus, water, seitenbacher veggie broth powder, mustard seed, squirt of dijon mustard,dash of Mrs. Dash, 1/2 sweet potato, green onion...warmed and needed a bit of lemon juice to set it off..but it is good a filling.
kale salad~shredded kale, green onion, lime juice, braggs, toasted sesame oil, sesame seeds.. and about 1 T. frozen peas...that was left in the bag :(
4 baked organic corn chips
Amazing Grass Smoothie~raw almond milk, 1/2 banana, frozen cherries, mesquite
coconut kefir water....I've got this down to a science is super fizzy..I had one explode when I opened it last night... :)
This is better than soda pop! and I really like adding my green juices to it, it is like a green ginger ale.
Peace....from the only one who gives True peace...
Jesus Christ
I worked alone today and got an excellent workout. It was humid, so I also had a sauna. hehehe!
I stopped by Kroger (our local grocer) to get some veggies and check out their manager's markdowns. I scored on 3 containers of broccoli sprouts @ 99 cents each, organic chocolate rice milk @ 99 cents for 32oz.. as a treat for the kids. I also purchased some peaches and a few avocado's. While checking the freezer section in the health department...what did I see??? So Delicious (Vegan & soy free) coconut milk ice cream bars covered in chocolate with bits of almonds, sweetened with agave....mmmmmmmmm.....sounded like a good cheat I got a box and sampled it on the way home in the steamy 80 something degree, muggy weather...WOWZIE!! these things are delicious..they are not raw..but they are good!!!...they are also, history..they come four to a box and there are four of us living at home...4-4=0
Click here to go to Turtle Mountain's page to tell you all about them.
I also buy their unsweetened coconut milk to make my husband's protein smoothies.
So, if you are not 100% this is a good milk substitute.
It is:
Dairy Free / Lactose Free
Soy Free
Gluten Free
Rich in Medium Chain Fatty Acids
Excellent Source of Vitamin B12 (vegetarian friendly)
Formulated for Maximum Calcium Absorption
Cholesterol Free
No Trans Fats
Certified Vegan
Today, I felt really good after work. I was still energetic and able to come home and do P90X~YogaX~ this is a good long 90 min or more practice. It WILL bring the sweat on.
Today's eats~
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, 1/2 frozen banana, handful of frozen cherries, Amazing Grass Superfood~chocolate, cacao nibs, mesquite, chia seeds, hemp seeds, lucuma, maca,ice~yummy!
1 pint of Green Lemonade~celery, swiss chard, lemon, ginger, stevia
I made a couple of meals out of this while working and for the ride home~
2 brown rice cakes with raw almond butter
raw milk cheese...this stuff tastes good on the rice cake w/almond butter
green pepper strips
4-5 black olives
baby carrots
cheater snack~
Coconut milk bar~mmmmmmmm
Before YogaX~I had 1 cup of asparagus soup~I made about 2 qts of this yesterday~
asparagus, water, seitenbacher veggie broth powder, mustard seed, squirt of dijon mustard,dash of Mrs. Dash, 1/2 sweet potato, green onion...warmed and needed a bit of lemon juice to set it off..but it is good a filling.
kale salad~shredded kale, green onion, lime juice, braggs, toasted sesame oil, sesame seeds.. and about 1 T. frozen peas...that was left in the bag :(
4 baked organic corn chips
Amazing Grass Smoothie~raw almond milk, 1/2 banana, frozen cherries, mesquite
coconut kefir water....I've got this down to a science is super fizzy..I had one explode when I opened it last night... :)
This is better than soda pop! and I really like adding my green juices to it, it is like a green ginger ale.
Peace....from the only one who gives True peace...
Jesus Christ
Saturday, May 22, 2010
SAT~UR~DAY!!!! Boating & Rory's Savory Swiss Chard Soup
Up an at 'em today. My husband has been cleaning out our outside storage room and is on his way to the dump! It is freeing to be rid of so much clutter.
I did my CardioX this morning. I really like beginning my day with exercise. I am going to have to figure out how I can accomplish this...mmmm....maybe go to bed earlier so I can get up earlier?
I had my a.m. smoothie before my workout and it was perfect...
then for recovery I drank my Green juice and followed it with a Wheatgrass and a Barley grass shot..
after that I made a green smoothie~butter leaf lettuce/spinach and strawberries with a couple packets of stevia.
For Lunch~
Kale and red cabbage salad
broccoli sprout salad
raw milk cheese & Mary's Gone Crackers
Amazing Grass Smoothie~raw almond milk, 1/2 banana, mesquite, maca, lucuma and chia seeds
I cleaned the other half of our pontoon boat that was waiting on me from last week.
We have a 26' boat with lots of vinyl the AGS was the sweet treat to get my husband and I going.
After about 3.5 hrs. of cleaning & making our loop around the lake.. I ate:
2 brown rice cakes with almond butter
yellow pepper strips and a mini cliff bar...not necessary but sweet (peanut butter)
2 hrs. later:
red pepper hummus and baked corn chips
I feel like I really pigged out today..there were a couple things I could hve done without....cheese & mini cliff bar... I am really used to quick exit food and I don't think these items exits as quickly as my usual fare.
With the Swiss Chard I received in my CSA share I had hoped to make RawDawg Rory's Savory Swiss Chard Soup but the sunshine and the boat were calling...maybe tomorrow...
I did my CardioX this morning. I really like beginning my day with exercise. I am going to have to figure out how I can accomplish this...mmmm....maybe go to bed earlier so I can get up earlier?
I had my a.m. smoothie before my workout and it was perfect...
then for recovery I drank my Green juice and followed it with a Wheatgrass and a Barley grass shot..
after that I made a green smoothie~butter leaf lettuce/spinach and strawberries with a couple packets of stevia.
For Lunch~
Kale and red cabbage salad
broccoli sprout salad
raw milk cheese & Mary's Gone Crackers
Amazing Grass Smoothie~raw almond milk, 1/2 banana, mesquite, maca, lucuma and chia seeds
I cleaned the other half of our pontoon boat that was waiting on me from last week.
We have a 26' boat with lots of vinyl the AGS was the sweet treat to get my husband and I going.
After about 3.5 hrs. of cleaning & making our loop around the lake.. I ate:
2 brown rice cakes with almond butter
yellow pepper strips and a mini cliff bar...not necessary but sweet (peanut butter)
2 hrs. later:
red pepper hummus and baked corn chips
I feel like I really pigged out today..there were a couple things I could hve done without....cheese & mini cliff bar... I am really used to quick exit food and I don't think these items exits as quickly as my usual fare.
With the Swiss Chard I received in my CSA share I had hoped to make RawDawg Rory's Savory Swiss Chard Soup but the sunshine and the boat were calling...maybe tomorrow...
Friday, May 21, 2010
CSA week #2
Wednesday I got my second week of CSA goodies and thought you may want to know what you get early in the season in the midwest....
1 huge bunch of Swiss Chard (red)
1 large bunch of Kale
1 bag of mustard greens
1 head of Bibb lettuce
1 bag of mixed salad greens
1 large bunch of asparagus
bunch of radishes~ I ate the last of these today.
1 qt of Strawberries~these are gone!!!
bunch of green onions
large bunch of chives
variety of herbs~oregano, more chives, spearmint, peppermint, lemon balm
I'll try to post my goodies each week so you can get an idea of what a CSA includes.
Our CSA portion is listed as meeting the needs of a family of 4 eating a primarily plant based diet.
We can always order more items to our portions and pay additional $$ for them. Of course, this depends upon availability.
1 huge bunch of Swiss Chard (red)
1 large bunch of Kale
1 bag of mustard greens
1 head of Bibb lettuce
1 bag of mixed salad greens
1 large bunch of asparagus
bunch of radishes~ I ate the last of these today.
1 qt of Strawberries~these are gone!!!
bunch of green onions
large bunch of chives
variety of herbs~oregano, more chives, spearmint, peppermint, lemon balm
I'll try to post my goodies each week so you can get an idea of what a CSA includes.
Our CSA portion is listed as meeting the needs of a family of 4 eating a primarily plant based diet.
We can always order more items to our portions and pay additional $$ for them. Of course, this depends upon availability.
Friday~ Co-op Pick up day..working out with P90X....Slim in 6 question
Today was one of my co-op pick up days. We are members of two different co-op's. They are separated by a two week period which works out great.
Today I received unsweetened coconut milk, 20# of organic oats, 25# of raw natural sesame seeds, a case of Ezekiel Bread (sesame), case of Veganrella Mozzarella Rice Cheese (Vegan), Guiltless Gourmet Baked Yellow Corn Chips and Newman's Organic Dog've gotta be kind to your dog...whenever I run out of his dog food, my dog will have major ear problems...therefore... he is an organic dog.
You know the ingredients in the regular dog food is amazes me that all the dogs aren't sick and don't have mad cow or mad dog disease.
Do your own research.
I also made a run to the local store and got some green peppers, strawberries and several containers of red pepper hummus. I really prefer to make my own hummus but it is great to be able to grab a container and some baby carrots when I am on the run.
It is best to be prepared...and when you are...It is cheaper and healthier, but if you aren't prepared..just stop at your local grocery store...most major grocers now have a natural health department and sometimes they are cheaper. Our local grocery store is Kroger and they continually over buy, so they always have excess items they mark down at a significant savings. It is usually less $$$ than I pay wholesale. :)
Today I started with my usual smoothie after drinking some water
a.m. smoothie
wheatgrass shot
barley grass shot
1 pint of green juice
1 c. of strawberries from our CSA
Packed in a cooler
2 brown rice cakes with organic raw almond butter
yellow and orange peppers
4 radishes from our CSA
raw milk cheese cubes
these items lasted from about two snack/meals
When I got home I had an Amazing Grass Superfood smoothie~ AGS~chocolate, cacao nibs, mesquite, lucuma,1/2 frozen banana, ice...oh yeah...raw almond milk
yesterday I made some Red Lentil Soup I changed it up a bit.
The first day it was the recipe below and then early this a.m. I added a can of great northern beans (drained)..this reminded me of Bean with Bacon soup...except no bacon...yah!
After my CORE SYNERGISTIC WORKOUT & recovery time I ate about 3/4 c. of the soup below with about 8 Baked Guiltless Gourmet Chips...not clean, but not terrible....I am trying to wean myself off of organic corn chips...I love them and I don't have time to make them raw.
I am into day 80 of working out consistently. I used the P90 for the first couple months and I started my third week with P90X today. It is a tough workout but I had imagined in my head that it would be worse than this. I am enjoying it!
Yesterday my daughter and I went to the Goodwill after we got off of work. I always like to check their video/VHS shelves. I found all 5 SLIM in 6 workout videos still in the plastic. Whoo Hoo! I don't know whether to sell them or save!
I will be adding them to my ever growing collection and check them out after I complete P90X. I am not sure how tough they are, especially in comparison to P90X. Any feedback would be appreciated.
10 c. water
2 c. red lentils rinsed and drained
1 onion diced
3 cloves of garlic
2 t. salt
1/4 c. Seitenbacher Veggie Broth powder
handful of kale
2.c. shredded carrots
1/2 diced red pepper
handful of whole wheat spirals
2 T. parsley
Today I received unsweetened coconut milk, 20# of organic oats, 25# of raw natural sesame seeds, a case of Ezekiel Bread (sesame), case of Veganrella Mozzarella Rice Cheese (Vegan), Guiltless Gourmet Baked Yellow Corn Chips and Newman's Organic Dog've gotta be kind to your dog...whenever I run out of his dog food, my dog will have major ear problems...therefore... he is an organic dog.
You know the ingredients in the regular dog food is amazes me that all the dogs aren't sick and don't have mad cow or mad dog disease.
Do your own research.
I also made a run to the local store and got some green peppers, strawberries and several containers of red pepper hummus. I really prefer to make my own hummus but it is great to be able to grab a container and some baby carrots when I am on the run.
It is best to be prepared...and when you are...It is cheaper and healthier, but if you aren't prepared..just stop at your local grocery store...most major grocers now have a natural health department and sometimes they are cheaper. Our local grocery store is Kroger and they continually over buy, so they always have excess items they mark down at a significant savings. It is usually less $$$ than I pay wholesale. :)
Today I started with my usual smoothie after drinking some water
a.m. smoothie
wheatgrass shot
barley grass shot
1 pint of green juice
1 c. of strawberries from our CSA
Packed in a cooler
2 brown rice cakes with organic raw almond butter
yellow and orange peppers
4 radishes from our CSA
raw milk cheese cubes
these items lasted from about two snack/meals
When I got home I had an Amazing Grass Superfood smoothie~ AGS~chocolate, cacao nibs, mesquite, lucuma,1/2 frozen banana, ice...oh yeah...raw almond milk
yesterday I made some Red Lentil Soup I changed it up a bit.
The first day it was the recipe below and then early this a.m. I added a can of great northern beans (drained)..this reminded me of Bean with Bacon soup...except no bacon...yah!
After my CORE SYNERGISTIC WORKOUT & recovery time I ate about 3/4 c. of the soup below with about 8 Baked Guiltless Gourmet Chips...not clean, but not terrible....I am trying to wean myself off of organic corn chips...I love them and I don't have time to make them raw.
I am into day 80 of working out consistently. I used the P90 for the first couple months and I started my third week with P90X today. It is a tough workout but I had imagined in my head that it would be worse than this. I am enjoying it!
Yesterday my daughter and I went to the Goodwill after we got off of work. I always like to check their video/VHS shelves. I found all 5 SLIM in 6 workout videos still in the plastic. Whoo Hoo! I don't know whether to sell them or save!
I will be adding them to my ever growing collection and check them out after I complete P90X. I am not sure how tough they are, especially in comparison to P90X. Any feedback would be appreciated.
10 c. water
2 c. red lentils rinsed and drained
1 onion diced
3 cloves of garlic
2 t. salt
1/4 c. Seitenbacher Veggie Broth powder
handful of kale
2.c. shredded carrots
1/2 diced red pepper
handful of whole wheat spirals
2 T. parsley
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Today was another day at home until this evening. I was able to work around the house and be with my favorite people in the world.
I did my KenpoX...I really like this workout. Then off to pick up my CSA and from there to a dinner party at Chipotle. Last month I dropped my business card in their bowl for a drawing and won free meals for a party of 22!!!
Entree, chips, salsa, guac and fountain drinks for everyone!! I love Chipotle! They have some of the best and freshest is made fresh everyday and has no added junk. I always get a veggie salad with lots of pico and guacamole, occassionaly I will have them put a couple tablespoons of black beans if I am feeling really today :)
Other than my veggie salad..I ate the same things I did yesterday...
a.m. smoothie
green juice
wheatgrass shot
barley grass shot
broccoli sprout salad
layered pea salad
beet & kale salad
after my workout
superfood Amazing Grass smoothie~chocolate of course
1 brown rice cake with almond butter
Chipotle veggie salad~romaine, green peppers & onions, corn salsa, lots of pico and some guac..2 T. black beans and some chips
Today with our CSA order we got some raw milk cheddar I sampled a bit of it with some sliced radishes..
I did my KenpoX...I really like this workout. Then off to pick up my CSA and from there to a dinner party at Chipotle. Last month I dropped my business card in their bowl for a drawing and won free meals for a party of 22!!!
Entree, chips, salsa, guac and fountain drinks for everyone!! I love Chipotle! They have some of the best and freshest is made fresh everyday and has no added junk. I always get a veggie salad with lots of pico and guacamole, occassionaly I will have them put a couple tablespoons of black beans if I am feeling really today :)
Other than my veggie salad..I ate the same things I did yesterday...
a.m. smoothie
green juice
wheatgrass shot
barley grass shot
broccoli sprout salad
layered pea salad
beet & kale salad
after my workout
superfood Amazing Grass smoothie~chocolate of course
1 brown rice cake with almond butter
Chipotle veggie salad~romaine, green peppers & onions, corn salsa, lots of pico and some guac..2 T. black beans and some chips
Today with our CSA order we got some raw milk cheddar I sampled a bit of it with some sliced radishes..
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Tuesday~Layered Pea Salad & Broccoli Sprout Salad
I was able to stay home today. I love home...I am the original homebody, but somewhere in the seasons of took me away from home more and more.
I was able to enjoy two meals with my familiy today. I love sitting down to good food and spending time with my loved ones.
I worked on my laundry, scheduling, meal prepping and laughing with my kids.
My two youngest taught me a little geometry during our school time.
I got to listen to both of them practice/play the piano. I do love the piano and especially when it is my children playing. :)
Yesterday I was was a good place to be today.
Today's eats
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, Amazing Grass Superfood~chocolate, maca, lucuma, mesquite,chia seeds, hemp powder, ice
1 pint of green juice~celery, beet tops, ginger, lime and stevia
Lunch with my kids
lightly steamed asparagus from our CSA
layered pea salad~most ingred. were from our CSA
Broccoli Sprout salad
Amazing Grass Superfood smoothie~raw almond milk, AGS~choc, cacao nibs, chia seeds, hemp powder, mesquite, lucuma, ice
Dinner with my family~(they had a layered Mexican casserole)
fresh guacamole
fresh salsa
layered pea salad
a handful of corn chips
1 Amy's black bean burger
kefir water
lettuces from our CSA~bibb and something else~torn and placed on the bottom of an 8 1/2 X 13 glass baking dish
shredded radishes~from the CSA
diced carrots
minced chives ~from the CSA
green onion chopped
1 bag of frozen peas
a couple handfuls of raw walnuts broken in pieces
topped with CHEEZY DRESSING I made up
1 16OZ jar of Vegenaise~olive oil and flaxseed kind
1/2 c. of nutritional yeast
1 t. mustard seed
water to thin
After layering the salad spread some of the dressing over it, but don't mix it back in the fridge for a little while and then serve as is.
I have plenty of dressing left over for several salads
1 pkg of broccolis sprouts
1-2 diced tomatoes
2 shredded radishes
minced chives
I drizzed olive oil and lime juice over it and mixed it with my hands
This is enough for a few meals
Power Yoga and 40 mins on the Treadmill of Power Walk/Running
I was able to enjoy two meals with my familiy today. I love sitting down to good food and spending time with my loved ones.
I worked on my laundry, scheduling, meal prepping and laughing with my kids.
My two youngest taught me a little geometry during our school time.
I got to listen to both of them practice/play the piano. I do love the piano and especially when it is my children playing. :)
Yesterday I was was a good place to be today.
Today's eats
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, Amazing Grass Superfood~chocolate, maca, lucuma, mesquite,chia seeds, hemp powder, ice
1 pint of green juice~celery, beet tops, ginger, lime and stevia
Lunch with my kids
lightly steamed asparagus from our CSA
layered pea salad~most ingred. were from our CSA
Broccoli Sprout salad
Amazing Grass Superfood smoothie~raw almond milk, AGS~choc, cacao nibs, chia seeds, hemp powder, mesquite, lucuma, ice
Dinner with my family~(they had a layered Mexican casserole)
fresh guacamole
fresh salsa
layered pea salad
a handful of corn chips
1 Amy's black bean burger
kefir water
lettuces from our CSA~bibb and something else~torn and placed on the bottom of an 8 1/2 X 13 glass baking dish
shredded radishes~from the CSA
diced carrots
minced chives ~from the CSA
green onion chopped
1 bag of frozen peas
a couple handfuls of raw walnuts broken in pieces
topped with CHEEZY DRESSING I made up
1 16OZ jar of Vegenaise~olive oil and flaxseed kind
1/2 c. of nutritional yeast
1 t. mustard seed
water to thin
After layering the salad spread some of the dressing over it, but don't mix it back in the fridge for a little while and then serve as is.
I have plenty of dressing left over for several salads
1 pkg of broccolis sprouts
1-2 diced tomatoes
2 shredded radishes
minced chives
I drizzed olive oil and lime juice over it and mixed it with my hands
This is enough for a few meals
Power Yoga and 40 mins on the Treadmill of Power Walk/Running
Monday~work day!
Today I tried something different and hired a helper to work with me. She was great and my hours were cut down a bit, which was the reason I wanted a helper...but I did miss the intensity of my workout during work. My goal is to be home more with my daughter, which this will accomplish. Therefore, I a happy about this. Unfortunately, she is not available every'll get my 5.5 hrs of workout work in about every other week.
Today I've eaten~
a.m. superfood Amazing Green smoothie~raw
1 qt of green juice
shot of wheatgrass
shot of barely grass
1 cup of mixed~mango, cherries, kiwi and orange segments
1 organic brown rice cake with organic no salt peanut butter
1 1/2 c. of broccoli salad
slice of red bell pepper
1/3 c. spinach and artichoke hummus & organic corn chips and cherry tomatoes
Amazing Grass Smoothie
Today I've eaten~
a.m. superfood Amazing Green smoothie~raw
1 qt of green juice
shot of wheatgrass
shot of barely grass
1 cup of mixed~mango, cherries, kiwi and orange segments
1 organic brown rice cake with organic no salt peanut butter
1 1/2 c. of broccoli salad
slice of red bell pepper
1/3 c. spinach and artichoke hummus & organic corn chips and cherry tomatoes
Amazing Grass Smoothie
Monday, May 17, 2010
Yesterday flew by with my family and cleaning up the boat for some summer fun.
I did my CardioX last night...I can't remember exactly what I ate yesterday..but I did follow my pattern of Intentional Eating for Energy and Well bad stuff....I do remember I ate a lot of broccoli salad.. and my usual fare.
Today's eats~
a.m. Superfood Amazing Grass Smoothie with all the usual superfood goodies
1pint of green juice
shot of wheatgrass
shot of barley grass
I made a nice lunch husband got called in to work and I wanted him full and satisfied
Broccoli salad
Beet and Kale salad
Spicy Red Lentil soup~ I had about 1/2 cup
Raw Lime Cheesecake pudding
(The rest of my family had some whole wheat rolls from Alexia with Earthbalance spread)
snack~Amazing Green Superfood Smoothie
Dinner with my youngest~
pinto beans and organic chips and a digestive enzyme.. :)
1/4 c. of coconut milk ice cream
where are my veggies???
1 pint of kefir water to help digest those bean...ahggg!
Shoulder and Arms P90X
Spicy Red Lentil Soup
3c. red lentils rinsed and drained
6 cloves of garlic
1 onion chopped
3 cans of green chilies
3-4 large Heirloom tomatoes chopped and blended some
salt to taste
Seitenbacher veggie broth powder
Raw Lime Cheesecake Pudding
about 2 c. of soaked cashews and drained
juice of two limes
pinch of salt
a big squirt of Raw Agave~sorry I didn't really measure anything but it was yummy
I did my CardioX last night...I can't remember exactly what I ate yesterday..but I did follow my pattern of Intentional Eating for Energy and Well bad stuff....I do remember I ate a lot of broccoli salad.. and my usual fare.
Today's eats~
a.m. Superfood Amazing Grass Smoothie with all the usual superfood goodies
1pint of green juice
shot of wheatgrass
shot of barley grass
I made a nice lunch husband got called in to work and I wanted him full and satisfied
Broccoli salad
Beet and Kale salad
Spicy Red Lentil soup~ I had about 1/2 cup
Raw Lime Cheesecake pudding
(The rest of my family had some whole wheat rolls from Alexia with Earthbalance spread)
snack~Amazing Green Superfood Smoothie
Dinner with my youngest~
pinto beans and organic chips and a digestive enzyme.. :)
1/4 c. of coconut milk ice cream
where are my veggies???
1 pint of kefir water to help digest those bean...ahggg!
Shoulder and Arms P90X
Spicy Red Lentil Soup
3c. red lentils rinsed and drained
6 cloves of garlic
1 onion chopped
3 cans of green chilies
3-4 large Heirloom tomatoes chopped and blended some
salt to taste
Seitenbacher veggie broth powder
Raw Lime Cheesecake Pudding
about 2 c. of soaked cashews and drained
juice of two limes
pinch of salt
a big squirt of Raw Agave~sorry I didn't really measure anything but it was yummy
Friday, May 14, 2010
Broccoli Salad
I just got back from getting my car fixed. It took 5 mins. NO KIDDING!
I am Praising the LORD!...He kept us from harm, quick fix and not much $$$.
It is a very pleasant day here in Indy. I've been home alone for awhile, which does not happen often.
I made some yummy broccoli salad..somthing I just threw together and I cannot eat enough of it.
Broccoli Salad
1 1/2 pounds of broccoli cut up
8 cloves of garlic minced
2 green onions chopped
a mixture of red, yellow and orange peppers diced maybe 1 cup
2/3 c. of olive oil
2/3 c. of lime juice
1T. of Victoria Taylor's Toasted Sesame Ginger Seasoning~this sets it off
massage together and let it marinate for about 1 hour...then try to stop eating it!
Today's eats
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, frozen banana, Amazing Green Superfood~chocolate, chia seeds, hemp powder, cacao nibs, mesquite, lucuma, maca, ice
1 pint of Green juice
1/3 c. of guacamole mixed with about 1/2 of a few spinach leaves,romaine, red cabbage, green onion, tomato
4 c. of Broccoli salad sprinkled with nutritional yeast
Amazing Grass Superfood smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, AGS~chocolate, cacao, mesquite, lucuma, maca, chia seeds, hemp powder, ice
red pepper hummus and Mary's Gone Crackers
peanut butter mini cliff bar
Core synergistics P90X and one hour of Yoga....I'm studying for my Advanced Yoga Certification
I am Praising the LORD!...He kept us from harm, quick fix and not much $$$.
It is a very pleasant day here in Indy. I've been home alone for awhile, which does not happen often.
I made some yummy broccoli salad..somthing I just threw together and I cannot eat enough of it.
Broccoli Salad
1 1/2 pounds of broccoli cut up
8 cloves of garlic minced
2 green onions chopped
a mixture of red, yellow and orange peppers diced maybe 1 cup
2/3 c. of olive oil
2/3 c. of lime juice
1T. of Victoria Taylor's Toasted Sesame Ginger Seasoning~this sets it off
massage together and let it marinate for about 1 hour...then try to stop eating it!
Today's eats
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, frozen banana, Amazing Green Superfood~chocolate, chia seeds, hemp powder, cacao nibs, mesquite, lucuma, maca, ice
1 pint of Green juice
1/3 c. of guacamole mixed with about 1/2 of a few spinach leaves,romaine, red cabbage, green onion, tomato
4 c. of Broccoli salad sprinkled with nutritional yeast
Amazing Grass Superfood smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, AGS~chocolate, cacao, mesquite, lucuma, maca, chia seeds, hemp powder, ice
red pepper hummus and Mary's Gone Crackers
peanut butter mini cliff bar
Core synergistics P90X and one hour of Yoga....I'm studying for my Advanced Yoga Certification
Thursday, May 13, 2010 trouble, raised beds and flowers
Today is the day my youngest daughter works with me. She doesn't really enjoy the work but it is usually a good time being together. Normally we go to the park for a walk/rollerblading or she rides her scooter. I neglected to take a change of clothes today. :(
I would have went ahead and walked but it was hot and extemely humid, so I thought I'd just go on home and walk around our neighborhood. I needed to stop at the bank and when I finished at the drive thru, I put the car in drive and it went in reverse. Wow!! What a out of body experience that was. I was thankful no one was behind me. I tried it again and it went forward in drive for about 1/10 of a mile and then I was stranded, until some man placed the shifter thingy back onto it's place...for a temporary fix to get me to the repair shop....No walk today...When I got home I worked in the flower beds planting flowers.
Yesterday my hubby and I went to Lowes and picked up some flowers that were on clearance.... 25,48 and 50 cents...pansies, ornamental grasses, assylum, coleus and three perennial flowers for $1.48 and $2.50 for a pot of calla lillies...we spent about $21 and came home with 104 plants
all of the plants were in great condition, a few were a little root bound...nothing a quick pinch at the bottom couldn't take care of.
This is how I fill my flower bed each year. Last year I was at a store and they were getting ready to throw away 2 or 3 flats of flowers and I told them I would like to buy them at a discount. They said they couldn't mark the down but had to throw them away because they were so bad...BUT...I knew with some water and pinching off the tops I could save them. They finally told me to just take them and promise not to try to return them for money...(not what I had in mind)...I had a multitude of flowers for free.
My son built me a raised flower bed last weekend. I am very excited about it. I think I'll be planting bell peppers and some greens. We are trying to find some good soil to fill it up. I keep reading the labeling on the bags of soil..... I don't want to plant my veggies in it. The last label I read, said something like they were not legally responsible for the quality or ? to do with the dirt...where did they get it??? some industrial agriculture farm..yuk!
I think I'm going to have my son dig up some of our yard. He will be thrilled when I tell him. :)
a.m. superfood protein smoothie
1 qt of green juice
bell pepper strips
Green Smoothie
1 head of butter lettuce
1 pint of strawberries
2T. raw almond butter
2 pkg of stevia
veggie sandwich
Amazing Green Superfood Smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, mesquite, cacao nibs, lucuma, chia seeds and hemp powder, ice
1 small piece of soy sausage with a drizzle of maple syrup
2 raw cherries w/chocolate sauce
red pepper hummus & Mary's Gone Crackers
4 1/2 hrs of vigorous house cleaning
I would have went ahead and walked but it was hot and extemely humid, so I thought I'd just go on home and walk around our neighborhood. I needed to stop at the bank and when I finished at the drive thru, I put the car in drive and it went in reverse. Wow!! What a out of body experience that was. I was thankful no one was behind me. I tried it again and it went forward in drive for about 1/10 of a mile and then I was stranded, until some man placed the shifter thingy back onto it's place...for a temporary fix to get me to the repair shop....No walk today...When I got home I worked in the flower beds planting flowers.
Yesterday my hubby and I went to Lowes and picked up some flowers that were on clearance.... 25,48 and 50 cents...pansies, ornamental grasses, assylum, coleus and three perennial flowers for $1.48 and $2.50 for a pot of calla lillies...we spent about $21 and came home with 104 plants
all of the plants were in great condition, a few were a little root bound...nothing a quick pinch at the bottom couldn't take care of.
This is how I fill my flower bed each year. Last year I was at a store and they were getting ready to throw away 2 or 3 flats of flowers and I told them I would like to buy them at a discount. They said they couldn't mark the down but had to throw them away because they were so bad...BUT...I knew with some water and pinching off the tops I could save them. They finally told me to just take them and promise not to try to return them for money...(not what I had in mind)...I had a multitude of flowers for free.
My son built me a raised flower bed last weekend. I am very excited about it. I think I'll be planting bell peppers and some greens. We are trying to find some good soil to fill it up. I keep reading the labeling on the bags of soil..... I don't want to plant my veggies in it. The last label I read, said something like they were not legally responsible for the quality or ? to do with the dirt...where did they get it??? some industrial agriculture farm..yuk!
I think I'm going to have my son dig up some of our yard. He will be thrilled when I tell him. :)
a.m. superfood protein smoothie
1 qt of green juice
bell pepper strips
Green Smoothie
1 head of butter lettuce
1 pint of strawberries
2T. raw almond butter
2 pkg of stevia
veggie sandwich
Amazing Green Superfood Smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, mesquite, cacao nibs, lucuma, chia seeds and hemp powder, ice
1 small piece of soy sausage with a drizzle of maple syrup
2 raw cherries w/chocolate sauce
red pepper hummus & Mary's Gone Crackers
4 1/2 hrs of vigorous house cleaning
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Chocolate Covered Cherries~the Bribe..I'm using to keep my girl on track
Chocolate Covered Cherries~
fresh raw cherries, pitted
place in a ramekin dish and pour chocolate sauce over them
Chocolate sauce
raw cacao powder
maple syrup or raw agave or honey
a little water to thin or leave it thick
I'm making these for my little girl...she is doing pretty good eating what I tell her.
I woke up to rain...rain....and now we have thesun shining for the last hour before it sets. Nice way to end the day.
Todays eats~
a.m. smoothie~got my Amazing Grass Superfood (AGS) in the mail yesterday!!
raw almond milk, banana, AGS~chocolate, mesquite, lucuma, chia seeds, hemp powder, maca, cacao nibs, ice
1 Qt of Green Juice~celery, beet leaves, lime, ginger, stevia
5 C. of Green smoothie~ 1 head of butter leaf lettuce, 1 pint of strawberries and 2 T. of raw almond butter, 2 pkgs. of stevia powder
(I divided this into two servings and drank it two hours apart)
Salad~romaine, spinach, red cabbage, green onion, vine ripened tomato~topped with fresh guacamole, refried beans and hot sauce
1T. of Tofutti supreme sour cream
4 cherries drizzled with 1/2 T. of chocolate sauce
Amazing Green Superfood smoothie~chocolate~raw almond milk, banana, AGS, ice
fresh raw cherries, pitted
place in a ramekin dish and pour chocolate sauce over them
Chocolate sauce
raw cacao powder
maple syrup or raw agave or honey
a little water to thin or leave it thick
I'm making these for my little girl...she is doing pretty good eating what I tell her.
I woke up to rain...rain....and now we have thesun shining for the last hour before it sets. Nice way to end the day.
Todays eats~
a.m. smoothie~got my Amazing Grass Superfood (AGS) in the mail yesterday!!
raw almond milk, banana, AGS~chocolate, mesquite, lucuma, chia seeds, hemp powder, maca, cacao nibs, ice
1 Qt of Green Juice~celery, beet leaves, lime, ginger, stevia
5 C. of Green smoothie~ 1 head of butter leaf lettuce, 1 pint of strawberries and 2 T. of raw almond butter, 2 pkgs. of stevia powder
(I divided this into two servings and drank it two hours apart)
Salad~romaine, spinach, red cabbage, green onion, vine ripened tomato~topped with fresh guacamole, refried beans and hot sauce
1T. of Tofutti supreme sour cream
4 cherries drizzled with 1/2 T. of chocolate sauce
Amazing Green Superfood smoothie~chocolate~raw almond milk, banana, AGS, ice
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Today started out cool and dreary and has ended up to be a pretty day..warm and sunny!
I attended Bible Study Fellowship this morning and then off to get some goodies for the fridge...more beets and kale, spinach, cukes, multi-colored peppers and some cherries. The latter being a bribe for my youngest. I am attempting to schedule her meals and eliminate some of her unhealthy the bribe was chocolate covered cherries...fresh and raw!
She took the bait. We will make them tomorrow
My eats today~
a.m. smoothie ~I ran out of my Amazing Green Superfoods so here is how I created my own~barley powder, wheatgrass powder, spirulina powder, cacao powder, maca, lucuma, mesquite, cacao nibs, hemp powder, chia seeds...raw almond milk, frozen banana, a little ice was pretty green...I drank half of it this a.m. a bit strong...the rest I saved for later and it was better after the flavors amalmagated~this made about 3 cups..
1 qt. of Green Juice
Kale & Beet salad with sesame seeds
mini cucumber
the rest of my a.m. smoothie ~about 1 1/2 c.
more kale and beet salad
red peppers
salsa and a few organic corn chips
water kefir
arms/shoulders and abs..P90X
I attended Bible Study Fellowship this morning and then off to get some goodies for the fridge...more beets and kale, spinach, cukes, multi-colored peppers and some cherries. The latter being a bribe for my youngest. I am attempting to schedule her meals and eliminate some of her unhealthy the bribe was chocolate covered cherries...fresh and raw!
She took the bait. We will make them tomorrow
My eats today~
a.m. smoothie ~I ran out of my Amazing Green Superfoods so here is how I created my own~barley powder, wheatgrass powder, spirulina powder, cacao powder, maca, lucuma, mesquite, cacao nibs, hemp powder, chia seeds...raw almond milk, frozen banana, a little ice was pretty green...I drank half of it this a.m. a bit strong...the rest I saved for later and it was better after the flavors amalmagated~this made about 3 cups..
1 qt. of Green Juice
Kale & Beet salad with sesame seeds
mini cucumber
the rest of my a.m. smoothie ~about 1 1/2 c.
more kale and beet salad
red peppers
salsa and a few organic corn chips
water kefir
arms/shoulders and abs..P90X
Monday, May 10, 2010
Monday is Work day!
Five hours of vigorous house cleaning again today....then some Tony Horton~P90X Yoga...Yikes! I do love Yoga...
Today's eats~
a.m. smoothie
wheatgrass and barley grass mixed together
6 oz. blackberries
2 brown rice cakes with raw almond butter
red/yellow peppers and celery
raw beet and kale salad
handful of organic corn chips
Amazing Green Superfood smoothie~chocolate, mesquite, hemp powder, lucuma, cacao nibs
Green Juice mixed with kefir water...yummy~celery, beet tops, lime, ginger and stevia
2 T. red pepper hummus and some Mary's Gone Crackers~caraway
Today's eats~
a.m. smoothie
wheatgrass and barley grass mixed together
6 oz. blackberries
2 brown rice cakes with raw almond butter
red/yellow peppers and celery
raw beet and kale salad
handful of organic corn chips
Amazing Green Superfood smoothie~chocolate, mesquite, hemp powder, lucuma, cacao nibs
Green Juice mixed with kefir water...yummy~celery, beet tops, lime, ginger and stevia
2 T. red pepper hummus and some Mary's Gone Crackers~caraway
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day
I hope all you Mom's out there had a wonderful day and if you are not a mom that you enjoyed your day. It was beautiful here. I had dinner with all my children and my dad and step-mom. It was a great family time together.
Afterwards the two children that are still at home, my husband and I went to a couple different parks and we walked and hiked for about 3 hours. What a great way to spend the day with my family.
eats today~
a.m. smoothie (the usual)
Wheatgrass and barley grass
1/2 brown rice cake with Peanut butter (organic/no salt)
Salad and minestrone for lunch
I ate half a piece of chocolate mousse pie with my husband
1T. soaked/dehydrated sunflower seeds
Amazing Green Superfood smoothie~chocolate
Beet salad with shredded kale~yummy
Afterwards the two children that are still at home, my husband and I went to a couple different parks and we walked and hiked for about 3 hours. What a great way to spend the day with my family.
eats today~
a.m. smoothie (the usual)
Wheatgrass and barley grass
1/2 brown rice cake with Peanut butter (organic/no salt)
Salad and minestrone for lunch
I ate half a piece of chocolate mousse pie with my husband
1T. soaked/dehydrated sunflower seeds
Amazing Green Superfood smoothie~chocolate
Beet salad with shredded kale~yummy
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Review on A Heart Monitor Watch~that won't Break the Bank
Sturdy & accurate
A Great Tool that won't Break the Bank
I received my watch/heart rate monitor quickly from the seller....It was also packaged well. I have seen these watches for a much higher price elsewhere. The price was very reasonable and the watch is sturdy and accurate. I purchased the blue one and it looks good enough to wear casually. My husband has recently started working a very physical job and I plan to get the black one for him so he can check his heart rate on the job. We both love to keep physically fit and this will be a handy tool. I love mine and plan to recommend it to my friends who are into fitness.
Blessings~and the power of being Positive~
My son in law spent the night at our house, while my daughter went to a sleep over for the bride and bridesmaids. It was a great blessing to have Barry here this morning. This is a new season of my life....a married child and a son in law....way cool.
Count your blessings today...look at the positives in your life...presently or in the past....maybe hopes for the future.
When we have a positive attitude it rubs off on those around one way or another...they may become more positive or maybe just a little less negative. Negativity saps us of strength and creates stress on ourselves and those around us....
Here is an article from USA today about the Power of a positive attitude
Remember to is an article about the benefits of laughter...I'm sure you've heard the saying, "Laughter is the best medicine"
The following verses are wisdom from the Word Of God~
Proverbs 15:4 A soothing tongue is a tree of life, But perversion in it crushes the spirit
A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken. (NASB ©1995)
Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, But a good word makes it glad.
Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 18:14 The spirit of a man can endure his sickness, But as for a broken spirit who can bear it? (NASB ©1995)
The Bible has much more to say on this subject..and the power of the tongue....I always say do your own research...Read it!
Today's eat~
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, maca, lucuma, mesquite, cacao nibs, Amazing Grass Green Superfood~chocolate, hemp powder, chia seeds, ice
1 Qt. Green Juice & a handful of blackberries
1 brown rice cake and raw almond butter
bell pepper strips, tomato, red cabbage crudettes
mini clif bar~chocolate brownie
red pepper hummus and chips
1/2 c. Sweet potato Lentil soup
smoothie~raw almond milk, 1/2 frozen banana, Amazing Grass~choc., hemp powder, mesquite
Cardio X~ yes, I love this stuff....
Count your blessings today...look at the positives in your life...presently or in the past....maybe hopes for the future.
When we have a positive attitude it rubs off on those around one way or another...they may become more positive or maybe just a little less negative. Negativity saps us of strength and creates stress on ourselves and those around us....
Here is an article from USA today about the Power of a positive attitude
Remember to is an article about the benefits of laughter...I'm sure you've heard the saying, "Laughter is the best medicine"
The following verses are wisdom from the Word Of God~
Proverbs 15:4 A soothing tongue is a tree of life, But perversion in it crushes the spirit
A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken. (NASB ©1995)
Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, But a good word makes it glad.
Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 18:14 The spirit of a man can endure his sickness, But as for a broken spirit who can bear it? (NASB ©1995)
The Bible has much more to say on this subject..and the power of the tongue....I always say do your own research...Read it!
Today's eat~
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, maca, lucuma, mesquite, cacao nibs, Amazing Grass Green Superfood~chocolate, hemp powder, chia seeds, ice
1 Qt. Green Juice & a handful of blackberries
1 brown rice cake and raw almond butter
bell pepper strips, tomato, red cabbage crudettes
mini clif bar~chocolate brownie
red pepper hummus and chips
1/2 c. Sweet potato Lentil soup
smoothie~raw almond milk, 1/2 frozen banana, Amazing Grass~choc., hemp powder, mesquite
Cardio X~ yes, I love this stuff....
The New Dirty Dozen and Clean 15
Check out this link for the New dirty Dozen
Bell Peppers
here is a link to the 15 Clean Foods you don't have to buy Organic
Bell Peppers
here is a link to the 15 Clean Foods you don't have to buy Organic
Friday, May 7, 2010
Intentional Eating for Energy and Well Being~Bring it!
My children have been staying with their dad, so that left me home alone today. I did a six hour stretch of house cleaning at my house..some filing that desperately needed my attention and a little de-cluttering.
After my housework I did my core synergistics with Tony Horton.
I finally get to start on my P90X. I was having some DVD player issues..but thanks to a new one was delivered to my door yesterday..we are hooked up and ready to Bring it!
Today for energy I had~
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, maca, mesquite, lucuma, chia seeds, hemp powder, cacao nibs, Amazing Grass Superfoods~chocolate, ice
1 pint of Green Juice~same as yesterday
2 Brown rice cakes with raw almond butter
after work out I had~2 T. red pepper hummus & chips/bell peppers
large salad~romaine, bell peppers, cukes, tomatoes, red cabbage, sesame seed blend with ginger and Italian mustard dressing
3/4 c. of Sweet Potato Lentil soup
one more protein smoothie~raw almond milk, frozen banana, hemp powder, Amazing Green Superfood~chocolate, mesquite, maca, lucuma, cacao nibs, ice
Friday night snack with hubby~a handful of organic corn chips with several shakes of Frank's Hot Sauce
After my housework I did my core synergistics with Tony Horton.
I finally get to start on my P90X. I was having some DVD player issues..but thanks to a new one was delivered to my door yesterday..we are hooked up and ready to Bring it!
Today for energy I had~
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, maca, mesquite, lucuma, chia seeds, hemp powder, cacao nibs, Amazing Grass Superfoods~chocolate, ice
1 pint of Green Juice~same as yesterday
2 Brown rice cakes with raw almond butter
after work out I had~2 T. red pepper hummus & chips/bell peppers
large salad~romaine, bell peppers, cukes, tomatoes, red cabbage, sesame seed blend with ginger and Italian mustard dressing
3/4 c. of Sweet Potato Lentil soup
one more protein smoothie~raw almond milk, frozen banana, hemp powder, Amazing Green Superfood~chocolate, mesquite, maca, lucuma, cacao nibs, ice
Friday night snack with hubby~a handful of organic corn chips with several shakes of Frank's Hot Sauce
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I'm Back! TIME~invest it Wisely
I'm still on the gerbil wheel of life. My husband always says, "I'll rest when I'm dead." The Bible tells us, "Be still and know that I am God"~Psalm 46:10. It is so important to stop and be still, as we wait and listen for God, and to know His presence in our life....When things are bad or when things are good. If we always have the music playing, the TV on, or are busy running or being sidetracked by one or more of the distractions that are so readily available....tell me how can we hear can we really know Him?? I must ask myself this question too.
More questions I ask myself...
Am I so busy that I miss the really important things..I really should say~am I missing the important people in my life...first~God and then my loved ones...and the other people that God places in my life.
Relationships are what we are made for...God desires relationship with us...our loved ones (hopefully) desire relationship with us...our children (if we have them) need relationship with us...don't miss out on this one..time passes quickly..and then they will have a life of their own..invest in relationships..TIME...this is how you do it...spend time with God...pray, read your Bible...listen...and ask questions
spend time with the people you love....ask questions...make a list...
if you have are some links for quesions to ask
23 Great Questions to ask your Kids
100 Questions to ask your kids
Have your kids ask you some questions
100 Questions to ask your Parents
If you have kids go ahead and check out the rest of this site...there are all kinds of goodies on it here at Family Education
p.s. when you find out something your children are interested interested also...they love when you share their interest...even if it is just listening...
I'm still plugging away..trying to eat small frequent meals...being pretty successful.
Today I ate~
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, mesquite, lucuma, maca, chia seeds, hemp protein, Amazing Green Superfood~chocolate, cacao nibs and ice
1 qt Green Juice~celery, beet tops, lime, ginger, stevia
Blackberries about 1 1/2 cups
Blended Salad~romaine, beets, celery, bell peppers, red onion, tomato, tahini, lime juice, Braggs
soaked almonds, celery
hummus & chips
kefir water & 1T peanut butter (organic, no salt) sprinkled with cacao nibs and a small drizzle of maple syrup
1 hr. Yoga and worked for 5.5 hrs. vigorously cleaning a house.
More questions I ask myself...
Am I so busy that I miss the really important things..I really should say~am I missing the important people in my life...first~God and then my loved ones...and the other people that God places in my life.
Relationships are what we are made for...God desires relationship with us...our loved ones (hopefully) desire relationship with us...our children (if we have them) need relationship with us...don't miss out on this one..time passes quickly..and then they will have a life of their own..invest in relationships..TIME...this is how you do it...spend time with God...pray, read your Bible...listen...and ask questions
spend time with the people you love....ask questions...make a list...
if you have are some links for quesions to ask
23 Great Questions to ask your Kids
100 Questions to ask your kids
Have your kids ask you some questions
100 Questions to ask your Parents
If you have kids go ahead and check out the rest of this site...there are all kinds of goodies on it here at Family Education
p.s. when you find out something your children are interested interested also...they love when you share their interest...even if it is just listening...
I'm still plugging away..trying to eat small frequent meals...being pretty successful.
Today I ate~
a.m. smoothie~raw almond milk, banana, mesquite, lucuma, maca, chia seeds, hemp protein, Amazing Green Superfood~chocolate, cacao nibs and ice
1 qt Green Juice~celery, beet tops, lime, ginger, stevia
Blackberries about 1 1/2 cups
Blended Salad~romaine, beets, celery, bell peppers, red onion, tomato, tahini, lime juice, Braggs
soaked almonds, celery
hummus & chips
kefir water & 1T peanut butter (organic, no salt) sprinkled with cacao nibs and a small drizzle of maple syrup
1 hr. Yoga and worked for 5.5 hrs. vigorously cleaning a house.
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